Tramite il test kinesiologico muscolare è possibile stabilire se un muscolo è normotono, ipotonico o iperfacilitato. Questo ci permette di individuare e spesso risolvere problemi a livello muscolare difficilmente riconosciuti da massaggiatori, medici, fisioterapisti e anche kiropratici.
Un muscolo può essere IPOTONICO, cioè debole, per i possibili seguenti motivi:

  1. Sublussazione
  2. Congestione linfatica
  3. Stagnazione vascolare
  4. Forza di torsione durale
  5. Squilibrio del meridiano o dell’organo associato
  6. Squilibri o carenze nutrizionali
  7. Influenza chimico tossica
  8. Disfunzione miofasciale
  9. Intrappolamento del nervo periferico
  10. Disorganizzazione neurologica
  11. Deafferenzazione e facilitazione segmentale vertebrale
  12. Mancata correlazione viscerosomatica
  13. Cattiva produzione o circolazione di fluido cerebro-spinale
  14. Tensione meccanica avversa nelle membrane meningee

o per causa di un propriocettore muscolare:

  1. Fuso neuromuscolare
  2. Organo muscolo – tendineo del Golgi
  3. Dente neurologico
  4. Strutture muscolari reattive
  5. Problema all’origine – inserzione
  6. Riflessi del piede o della mano

Un muscolo può essere al contrario IPERFACILITATO (un tempo si diceva ipertonico, cioè troppo forte) per i seguenti possibili motivi:

  1. Contrazione prolungata dovuta ad un muscolo antagonista o della stessa catena muscolare debole
  2. Reazione a stress acuto o cronico
  3. Squilibrio del meridiano o dell’organo associato
  4. Squilibri o carenze nutrizionali

o per causa di un propriocettore muscolare:

  1. Fuso neuromuscolare
  2. Organo muscolo – tendineo del Golgi
  3. Recettori craniali dello stress
  4. Muscoli reattivi

I muscoli iperfacilitati sono spesso dolorosi, mentre quelli ipotonici sono quasi sempre asintomatici. Muscoli ipotonici o iperfacilitati provocano deformazioni strutturali del corpo, scoordinazione motoria, dolore, stati confusionali, contratture, facilità a cadere e a rompersi ossa e a strapparsi muscoli, cosa molto frequente negli atleti.
Tramite la Kinesiologia del Massaggio è possibile individuare le cause per le quali un muscolo è dolorante: Cellula Fusale Neuromuscolare, Organo Tendineo del Golgi, problemi Fasciali, Trigger Point, Problemi di Origine - Inserzione, Muscoli Reattivi, Muscoli che si indeboliscono a seguito di uno strech (allungamento). Tramite un rapido e preciso massaggio nel punto individuato spesso il problema è risolto.
Se, come spesso accade, il problema al muscolo non è primario, ma compensa il problema ad un altro muscolo, tramite la kinesiologia è possibile risalire all'indietro la catena muscolare sino ad individuare il muscolo all'origine del sintomo e in questo l'esatto punto da massaggiare.
Consulto Kinesiologico Muscolare
Il consulto kinesiologico corporeo permette di individuare i muscoli ipotonici o iperfacilitati (ipertonici) del corpo, i problemi ai propriocettori quali Cellula Fusale Muscolare, Organo Tendineo del Golgi, Punti di Begin - End, Trigger Point, problemi fasciali, muscoli Reattivi e di risolvere i problemi individuati tramite il massaggio, l'alimentazione o la soluzione di problemi metabolici.
Corso di Kinesiologia del Massaggio
Il modulo di Kinesiologia Massaggio del Muscolo è rivolto a massaggiatori, fisioterapisti, kiropratici, preparatori atletici, medici, naturopati, chinestesisti e a tutte le persone che vogliono imparare a sciogliere le tensioni e i dolori muscolari in maniera rapida e precisa. Il corso insegna come trovare il muscolo che è all'origine del disturbo a partire dal muscolo dolorante ed insegna ad individuare il punto del mucolo preciso da massaggiare. Viene infine illustrato come individuare il tipo di massaggio più adatto a curare quel particolare muscolo. E' preferibile avere una minima conoscenza di anatomia dei muscoli, ma non è indispensabile. Il corso è riservato a chi ha già frequentato il Modulo Base o chi già conosce la kinesiologia Applicata .
Nel corso sarnno illustrati i principali muscoli del corpo, i meccanismi di contrazione e di rilascio, il tono muscolare, i muscoli deboli, forti e ipertonici, Cellula Fusale Muscolare, Organo Tendineo del Golgi, Punti di Begin - End, Trigger Point, problemi fasciali, muscoli Reattivi e di risolvere i problemi individuati

Chapter 3b - Ronald M. Lechan, M.D., Ph.D., and Roberto Toni, M.D.
July 27, 2004


Historical Overview
As suggested by its Greek derivation, the hypothalamus (hypo = below, thalamus = bed) is that portion of the diencephalon in all vertebrates that lies inferior to the thalamus (1). The hypothalamus and pituitary gland has attracted the interest of scientists and artists for centuries since the first description by Galen of Pergamon in the 2nd century AD. Galen described the hypothalamic infundibulum and the pituitary gland in De Usu Partium as the draining route and receptacle, respectively, for mucus passing from the brain ventricular structures to the nasopharynx, and named the capillary network surrounding the pituitary gland the rete mirabilis (2). The Galenic concepts dominated scientific thought about the hypothalamus and pituitary for approximately 1200 years until the the 14th century when the Italian anatomist, Mondino de' Liuzzi, in his Anothomia proposed that the third ventricle serves as an "integrator" of body functions (Fig. 1) (3). Some of these ideas were extended by Andreas Vesalius in the 16th century who published the first anatomical depiction of the infudibular-pituitary stalk in De Humani Corporis Fabrica (Fig. 2). Attention to the importance of the hypothalamic-pituitary region influenced the work of some of the most famous Renaissance artists including Leonardo da Vinci, whose ancient drawing of the third ventricle and rete mirabilis is shown in Fig. 3, and Michelangelo Buonarroti, whose painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican at Rome uses the hypothalamic-pituitary region as a backdrop to his depiction of the creation of man (Fig. 4) (4).

Figure 1. Description of the functional role exerted by the cerebral third ventricle, as reported by Mondino de' Liuzzi in Anothomia. (A) Original frontpage of Anothomia in a XIV century edition; (B) Original text (in brackets) in meidieval Latin (from the 1316 A.D. manuscript kept at the Societ� Medica Chirurgica in Bologna, Italy); (C) a portion of the Latin fragment shown in (B) containing the most important concepts; (D) English translation shown in (B). (From Toni R., Ancient views on the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis: an historical and epistemological perspective, Pituitary 3: 83-95, 2000).


Figure 2. Plates from the seventh book of the first edition (1543) of the Fabrica by Andreas Vesalius, showing what is believed to be the oldest anatomical images in Western literature of the hypothalamic-pituitary unit. (Courtesy of the Library of the Department of Human Anatomy of the University of Bologna, Italy, with permission.) 1) Enlarged view of the pituitary gland (A), hypothalamic infundibulum (B) and ducts comprising the foramen lacerum and superior oribital fissure (C, D, E, F) believed to drain the brain mucus or phlegm (in Latin pituita) from the pituitary gland to the nasopharynx; 2) anatomical relationships beween the infundibulum (D), the dural diaphragma sellae (F), the internal carotid arteries (C, D) and occulomotor nerves (G); 3) composite image including a) an enlarged view of the rete mirabilis formed as a reticular plexus by the carotid arteries entering (A, B) and emerging (C, D) around the pituitary gland (E); b) detailed view of the reticular plexus arising from the carotids (B, C) on each side of the pituitary (A). (From Toni R., Ancient views on the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis: an historical and epistemological perspective, Pituitary 3: 83-95, 2000).


Figure 3. Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci (1508-1509) taken from the Codici di Anatomia of the Windsor's Collection (Courtesy of the Library of the Department of Human Anatomy of the University of Parma, Italy). (A) Inferior surface of the brain, showing the rete mirabilis (arrow) that sorrunds the pituitary gland; (B) three-dimensional representaion of the cerebral ventricles. The third ventricle (3v) was believed to be the site of afference and elaboration of the "sensus communis" (Latin for peripheral physical sensations). (From Toni R., The Human Hypothalamus: clinical anatomy of endocrine, autonomic and behavioral responses, J. Endocrinol. Invest 2003, in press).


Figure 4. Detail from the fresco, "Creation of Adam," by Michelangelo Buonarroti, visible on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican at Rome, Italy, painted between 1508-1512. (A) Photograph of the fresco showing God giving spiritual life and intellect to Adam through his touch; (B) The contour of the same image is reminiscent of a midline saggital section of the brain and includes the hypothalamus, pituitary and brainstem. (From Toni R., The human hypothalamus: clinical anatomy of endocrine, autonomic and behavioral responses, J. Endocrinol. Invest 2003, in press).

The current term "hypothalamus", however, was not actually introduced until 1893 by the Swiss anatomist, Wilhelm His. On the basis of his studies on the ontogenesis of the human, fetal brain, His named the first anatomical subdivision of the hypothalamus the "pars optica hypothalami" (5), which is now recognized to include the preoptic region, tuber cinerium and infundibulum. Discovery of the connection between the hypothalamus and posterior pituitary (supraoptic-hypophysial tract) by Ramon Cajal in 1894, and subsequent work on neurosecretion in fish hypothalamus by the Sharrers in 1928, set the groundwork for rapid advancement in the understanding of the hypothalamus that unraveled throughout the 20th century and continues into the 21st century. Table 1 summarizes the major historical advances in the elucidation of the anatomy of the mammalian hypothalamic-pituitary unit.

Table 1. Timeline of Major Breakthroughs in Elucidation of Anatomy of the Mammalian Hypothalamic-Pituitary Unit

II century A.D. 

Galen describes in the "De Usum Partium" the hypothalamic infundibulum and pituitary gland as draining route and receptacle for brain mucous, and the existence of the "rete mirabilis"


Mondino dei Liuzzi da Bologna in his "Anothomia" refers to the third cerebral ventricle as "integrator" of body functions


Berangario da Carpi in his "Isagogue Breves" denies the existence of the Galenic "rete mirabilis" in the human brain


Vesalius includes in the "Fabrica" the first anatomical drawings of the hypothalamic infundibulum and pituitary

1561- 1527 

Fallopius in the "Observationes Anatomicae" and Casserio in the "Tabulae Anatomicae" mention the arterial polygon at the base of the brain then described by Willis


Willis in his "Cerebri Anatome" argues that humors out of the third ventricle may be carried to the pituitary gland

1655- 1672 

Schneider and Lower reject the Galenic idea that the pituitary gland filters brain secretions to the nose


Lieutand discovers vessels in the pituitary stalk


Sommering introduces the term "hypophysis"


Von Luska describes the primary (or hypothalamic) capillary plexus of the portal vessels

1872- 1877 

Meynert and Forel define the anatomical borders of what they call "the neural portion extending forward the region of the subthalamus" (i.e. the hypothalamus)


His introduces the term "hypothalamus" and provides the first anatomical subdivision based on ontogenesis of the human brain


Ramon Y Cajal discovers in rats the connection between the hypothalamus and posterior pituitary (supraoptico-hypophysial tract)


E. Scharrer describes "glandular cells" in the fish hypothalamus (concept of "neurosecretion")


Popa and Fielding describe in the human pituitary stalk a portal vascular system interpreted as a route of the blood upward the hypothalamus

1940- 1955 

Harris and Green establish the basis for the neural control of the pituitary gland secretion and demonstrate its vascular link with the hypothalamus

1950- 1958 

Nauta and Kuypers describe the connections of the mammalian hypothalamus with the rest of the brain and propose that the limbic system influences pituitary function, introducing the concept of "hypothalamic integration"


Martinez describes the structure of the median eminence


Halaz put forth the concept of "hypophysiotrophic area" of the hypothalamus"


Szentagothi defines the tuberoinfundibular tract


Guillemin and Schally isolate the first hypothalamic releasing factor


Nakane provides the first ultrastructural evidence for paracrine interactions in the pituitary gland

Anatomy of the Pituitary Gland
Gross and Radiologic Anatomy
The pituitary gland lies within a recess of the median part of the middle cranial fossa in the sphenoid bone (sella turcica) and is composed of two major components, the anterior lobe (adenohypophysis) and the posterior lobe (neurohypophysis) that can be readily distinguished radiologically by magnetic resonance imaging (Fig. 5). The anterior lobe contains three subdivisions including the pars distalis, pars intermedia and pars tuberalis. The pars distalis makes up the bulk of the anterior pituitary and is primarily responsible for the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones into the peripheral circulation. The pars intermedia lies between the pars distalis and the posterior pituitary and is vestigial in man, while the pars tuberalis is well defined in most mammalian species and surrounds the infundibular stem (6). The floor of the sella, or lamina dura, abuts the sphenoid sinus, allowing direct surgical access to the pituitary by the transsphenoidal route. Other important boundaries to the pituitary gland are the cavernous sinus laterally, which contain the internal carotid artery surrounded with sympathetic fibers, and the cranial nerves III, VI, V (ophthalmic and maxillary branches), and VI (Fig. 6). The optic chiasm is located superiorly, separated from the pituitary by the cerebrospinal fluid-filled suprasellar cistern and the dural roof of the pituitary, the diaphragma sella.

Figure 5. (A) Magnetic resonance image (MRI) and (B) corresponding schematic illustration of the human hypothalamus (H) and pituitary gland seen in saggital orientation. Note the high intensity or "bright spot" of the posterior pituitary by MRI in (A), sharply defining the boundary between the anterior pituitary gland. III = third ventricle (Modified from Lechan RM. Neuroendocrinology of Pituitary Hormone Regulation. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics 16:475-501, 1987.)


Figure 6. (A) MRI and (B) schematic image of the pituitary fossa and its anatomic relationships seen in coronal orientation. The cavernous sinus contains the internal carotid artery and cranial nerves III, IV, V1, V2, and VI. The optic chiasm resides immediately above the pituitary gland and is separated from it by a cerebrospinal fluid-filled cistern. (Modified from Lechan RM. Neuroendocrinology of Pituitary Hormone Regulation. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics 16:475-501, 1987.)

Embryologic Anatomy
The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is smaller than the anterior lobe and embryologically derives from the neural primordia as an outpouching from the floor of the third ventricle. As a direct, anatomic extension of the central nervous system, it is not surprising that the posterior pituitary is composed primarily of unmyelinated axons and axon terminals as well as specialized glial cells called pituicytes.
In contrast to the posterior pituitary, the anterior pituitary derives from the oral ectoderm as Rathke's pouch, first seen by the third week of pregnancy in man. There is little if any direct nervous innervation to the pars distalis, but cell to cell contact with the neuroectoderm of the primordium of the ventral hypothalamus is critical for differentiation of the anterior pituitary into the five major cell types. This occurs as a result of the release of specific growth and transcription factors such as bone morphogenic protein (BMP)-4 and fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-8 (7). Transcription factors involved in differentiation of specific cell types in the anterior pituitary are shown schematically in Fig. 8. Once mature, however, the ability of the hypothalamus to communicate with the pars distalis is dependent upon the hypophysial portal system, a vascular link that connects the base of the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland.

Figure 8. Pituitary-specific transcription factors involved in the development of the anterior pituitary from Rathke's pouch. Thyrotrophs, lactotrophs and somatotrophs derive from a common lineage, determined by Prop-1 and Pit-1. Independent lineages are observed for corticotrophs and gonadotrophs. (From Cohen and Radovick, Endocrine Reviews 23: 431-442, 2002.)

Microscopic Anatomy
Microscopically, the anterior pituitary is composed of nests or cords of cuboidal cells organized near venous sinusoids lined with a fenestrated epithelium into which secretory products from the anterior pituitary are collected. Class ically, five cell types and six secretory products of the anterior pituitary gland can be identified immunocytochemically including the somatotrophs (growth hormone), lactotrophs (prolactin), corticotrophs (adrenocorticotropic hormone), thyrotropes (thyroid-stimulating hormone), and gonadotrophs (luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone) (8). It is now recognized, however, that the anterior pituitary is vastly more complicated. In addition to morphological and physiological evidence for heterogenity among the classical anterior pituitary cell types (9-12) and the presence of clusters of a unique cell type, the folliculostellate cell (13), the anterior pituitary can also synthesize numerous other nonclassical peptides, growth factors, cytokines, binding proteins and neurotransmitters listed in Table 2 that are important for paracrine and/or autocrine control of anterior pituitary secretion and/or cell proliferation under defined physiological conditions (14).

Table 2. Nonclassical Anterior Pituitary Substances and Cell(s) of Origin


Cell Types







































































C = corticotroph, F = folliculostellate cell, G = gonadotroph, L = lactotroph, S = somatotroph, T = thyrotroph, UN = unknown
neurosecretion based on the presence of "glandular cells" in the fish hypothalamus

Blood Supply
The pars distalis of the anterior pituitary gland receives little or no arterial blood supply from branches of the internal carotid artery (15,16), while the posterior pituitary is fed by an anastomotic arterial circle derived from each of the inferior hypophysial arteries as they pierce the cavernous sinus (Fig. 7). Rather, the pars distalis is supplied by venous blood delivered through the long portal veins that descend along the ventral surface of the pituitary stalk and interconnect capillary beds in the pars distalis with specialized capillary beds of the portal capillary system in the base of the hypothalamus called the median eminence (Fig. 7). In turn, the portal capillary plexus in the median eminence receives arterial blood from a separate branch of the internal carotid artery, the superior hypophysial artery, after the internal carotid artery ascends from the cavernous sinus. In addition to venous blood draining from the hypothalamus, the pars distalis also receives venous blood draining from the posterior pituitary through the short portal vessels, giving rise to approximately 30 per cent of the total blood supply to the anterior pituitary (17,18). The perfusion sequence of arterial blood first reaching the posterior pituitary and the median eminence, followed by venous drainage to the anterior pituitary can visualized in man using rapidly enhanced magnetic resonance images (dynamic MRI) (19) (Fig. 9). As a result of the venous blood flow pattern to the pituitary, the pars distalis is in a unique position where it can receive humoral information from both the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary, as well as substances circulating in the peripheral bloodstream. Due to the location of pars tuberalis cells in the pituitary stalk and ventral surface of the median eminence, adjacent to the portal capillary plexus, it is likely that these cells also contribute to the humoral substances that are carried by a vascular route to the pars distalis (20), although its physiological significance is unknown.

Available soon

Figure 7. Drawing of the vasculature of the primate anterior and posterior pituitary gland. A portion of the pituitary stalk (I) has been cut away to visualize the infundibular recess (IR) and portal capillaries (PC). CPV = confluent pituitary veins, CS = cavernous sinus, H = hypothalamus, IC = internal carotid artery, IHA = inferior hypophysial artery, IP = infundibular processes or posterior pituitary, LPV = long portal veins, SHA = superior hypophysial artery, SPV = short portal veins. (From Lechan RM, Functional Microanatomy of the Hypophysial-Pituitary Axis, in Melmed, S (Ed), Oncogenesis and Molecular Biology of Pituitary Tumors, Frontiers of Hormone Research, 20: 2-40, 1996.)


Figure 9. (A-D) MRI of sequential sequences of the stalk and pituitary gland in saggital orientation following the intravenous administration of gadolineum. (A) Appearance prior to gadolineum. (B) Following gadolineum, the posterior pituitary is the first structure to show contrast enhancement. (C) This is followed by the pituitary stalk (arrow) and then finally (D) the anterior pituitary. (From Yuh et al, AJNR 15: 101-108, 1994.)

Venous drainage from the anterior pituitary to the systemic circulation is through adenohypophyseal veins located at a sulcus separating the anterior pituitary from the posterior pituitary (15). Other than the short portal vessels, venous drainage from the posterior pituitary collects into neurohypophyseal veins, which together with adenohypophyseal veins, extend as common vessels (confluent pituitary veins) to the cavernous sinus (Fig. 7).


I disegni di Leonardo da Vinci
Vesalio e un nuovo corpo umano
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Dossier: Il dialogo tra Arte e scienza nel Rinascimento: un esempio
I disegni di Leonardo da Vinci
L'uomo vitruviano di Leonardo da Vinci

Un esempio di straordinaria convergenza tra osservazione, ricerca artistica e ricerca scientifica è rappresentato dai disegni di Leonardo da Vinci. Osservatore metodico e sistematico, pittore e ingegnere, assertore dell’esigenza di rendere tutto visibile e dell’idea che il disegno fosse un mezzo per accedere direttamente alla verità della natura, egli ci ha lasciato migliaia di disegni di rocce, piante, animali, parti del corpo umano che hanno il valore dell’opera d’arte ma sono anche strumento di indagine scientifica della realtà. Egli infatti non si limita solo a guardare il mondo naturale, ma tenta di documentarlo attraverso rappresentazioni grafiche, modelli, illustrazioni, creando così un linguaggio visivo e artistico assolutamente nuovo.
Alla base c’è l’idea della superiorità del linguaggio visivo rispetto a quello verbale: “O scrittore, con quali lettere scriverai tu con tal perfezione, qual fa qui il disegno?” scriverà nei suoi appunti, “non ti impacciare di cose appartenenti alli occhi col farle passare per li orecchi, perché sarai superato di gran lungo dall’opera del pittore”.
I disegni di anatomia possono darci un’idea della simbiosi tra arte e scienza presente nel lavoro di Leonardo: la ricerca artistica sembra qui fondersi perfettamente con quella scientifica. Essi apparvero, agli inizi del ‘500, come un annuncio di quella riforma dell’anatomia che sarebbe stata propugnata, qualche decennio più tardi, da Andrea Vesalio.
L’interesse per l’anatomia segna gran parte della produzione leonardesca. Sin dai suoi primi lavori egli prende le distanze dall’anatomia artistica rinascimentale, che si limitava allo studio delle ossa e dei muscoli, evidenziando di essi soprattutto ciò che appariva “in superficie”, cioè attraverso la pelle. Per Leonardo, invece, l’anatomia è punto di convergenza di interessi più svariati, dall’idrologia alla statica, dalla dinamica alla psicologia. Lo studio e l’applicazione di queste discipline permette all’artista di indagare ora le proporzioni del corpo, ora l’anatomia di ossa e muscoli, ora l’espressione delle emozioni o il movimento del corpo. Ne risulta una grandissima varietà di disegni, insieme opere d’arte e racconti di indagini scientifiche.
Leonardo: studio di uomo

Leonardo non arriverà mai a stendere un trattato scientifico ortodosso, tuttavia sono indubbie l’acutezza e la novità delle sue osservazioni, unite a una grande originalità nel rappresentarle. Albrecht Dürer, grande pittore tedesco contemporaneo di Leonardo, rimane profondamente colpito dall’originalità e dalla verosimiglianza di queste immagini e si affretta a copiarle con grande cura.
Come ha scritto lo storico della scienza Paolo Rossi: “I fogli di Leonardo che sono giunti fino a noi, i suoi appunti, i suoi disegni e quella irripetibile, straordinaria mescolanza di testi e di disegni, ci consentono di affacciarci come a una soglia: a quegli uomini e a quell’ambiente in cui quell’avvicinamento, quella compenetrazione (per noi impossibile e illusoria) fra scienza e arte apparvero possibili, si configurarono come reali”.